Fathom The Definitive Edition Dust Jacket HC
By Michael Turner, Bill O'Neil and Geoff Johns.
Pencils by Michael Turner
Inks by Joe Weems and Jonathan Sibel
Colors by Jonathan D. Smith and Peter Steigerwald
Aspen is presents the most complete collection of Michael Turner's first ever creator owned series, Fathom, with this amazing Fathom The Definitive Edition trade paperback! Inside, readers will find the rare Fathom Preview, issues #0 and #1/2, both of which have never been collected in a trade before now! Issues #1 through #9, including the special add-in pages, plus the sold out issues #10 and #11, also making their first trade debut! Re-envisioned pages and excerpts from issues #12 through #14, focusing on Aspen and Cannon's ordeal with Vana! Both original Fathom Swimsuit issues featuring pin-ups from a host of today's top artists, along with a jam-packed cover gallery and more seldom seen Fathom goodies as only Michael Turner and Aspen could deliver! We'll also be including the complete Aspen Extended Edition which bridges the gap between Fathom Volume 1 and Volume 2, and also features the first appearance of everyone's favorite Blue warrior goddess, Kiani! Combine all that together, and you have 496 massive pages of everything that was Fathom Volume 1.